How to Incorporate Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life

By Kate Hesse
Mindful Moment

Mindfulness is an incredible tool to help bring us back to the present moment and to move us away from stress, frustration, anxiety, fear, and regret, and into a place of peace and ease.

If you’re picturing sitting motionless on the floor in an uncomfortable position for hours on end, I’ve got a surprise for you! In this post I’m covering two techniques to bring more mindfulness into your everyday life, and each technique takes just a minute or two! 

Used regularly, these techniques can make a BIG difference in the way you feel – bringing a more positive, relaxed, and calm outlook to your everyday.

There are two mindfulness practices I recommend to almost all of my clients. I love both of these practices because they can be incredibly impactful while taking very little time. And they’re easy to incorporate into an already busy and overwhelming life.

This isn't about sitting on the floor motionless for ages, my favorite mindfulness techniques can be done anytime, anywhere, and take just a minute or two!The audible exhale

If you’re a regular listener to Solicited Advice or a regular visitor to my blog, you’ve probably heard me mention the audible exhale before.

Not only does it quickly bring you back to the present moment. It also triggers your body to move from fight, flight, or freeze to rest and digest. This can be especially powerful anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or frustrated. And best of all – it takes less than a minute!

Check out the audible exhale in this blog post, or if you’d prefer a video, you can watch me cover the technique here.

The mindful moment

The second technique to bring mindfulness into your everyday life is to take a mindful moment. This also takes less than a minute and has many of the same benefits for the audible exhale.

To take a mindful moment, pause what you’re doing and take a minute to observe the world around you. Take note of what you’re experiencing with all five senses.

What do you taste, smell, hear, see, and feel. Describe those sensations to yourself with as much detail as possible.

This simple act of observing the world around you with all five senses brings you back to the present moment. This is powerful because the present moment is when we are most likely to experience peace.  Bringing our attention back to the present is a primary objective of mindfulness practices.

While both of these techniques are great for triage when you feel stressed out and overwhelmed. They’re even better when used as a part of your daily routine.

Incorporating the mindfulness techniques into your everyday

Try setting an alarm on your phone to take three audible exhales every hour.

Or use the mindful moment tool each time you take the first bite of food and sip of a beverage. Or each time you move from one room to the next.

Allow these tools to become part of your routine and you will notice your mindfulness muscle growing stronger and stronger!

I’m sending you a great big hug – you’ve got this!

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