How to measure your daily productivity

By Kate Hesse
measuring productivity

If you’ve ever wondered what the best ways is to measure your productivity, I’ve got you covered!

While the simple answer might be how many items you check off your to-do list each day, productivity is about what you DON’T do as much as it’s about what you DO do.

The short answer to measuring your productivity

If I finish most of what I had on my to-do list for the day, I consider it a productive day.

But I’m guessing you’re more interested in the long answer!

The long answer – here’s how I measure my daily productivity.

Productivity is about what you DON'T do as much as it's about what you DO do.I have a list of things I know are time sinks – things that don’t contribute to my life in any way.  These time sinks simply distract me from my day-to-day. They aren’t bad in and of themselves, but they become a problem when they take time away from things that help me live a life I love.

The more time I spend on the distractions each day, the less productive I feel.

When I instead redirect that time to crossing tasks off my to-do list, and ensuring I’m getting sufficient self-work and self-care, I feel much more productive.

A day which includes a mix of: taking care of necessary tasks, exploring my creativity, the opportunity to learn and grow, and resting and nourishing myself, would be my ideal productive day.

Assessing your day

At the end of each day I reflect back and journal celebrating my wins from the day. Big or small, I celebrate everything I accomplished.

By taking time each evening to celebrate the things I was able to achieve during the day, I reinforce the desire to continue to be productive while avoiding distractions.

Consider creating a practice as part of your evening wind-down routine where you think about all of the things you did during the day.  This could be as simple as mentally reviewing them while brushing your teeth.  Or you could create a journaling practice that allows you to revisit these wins and see your progress over time.

And remember to celebrate your big and small achievements.  Your list can include everything from finishing a major project for work to folding a load of laundry.

Productive does not only equal going, moving, doing.  Productivity also includes resting and refilling your mental, emotional, and physical energy reserves.Productivity is output AND input

Productive does not only equal going, moving, doing. Productivity also includes resting and refilling your mental, emotional, and physical energy reserves.

Just like filling your gas tank while out running errands is part of your to-do list, filling your own personal energy reserves should also be on your daily to-do list.

To learn more about incorporating all aspects of productivity into your day while avoiding distractions, check out my free Productivity Workshop! In this workshop I cover three different tools and techniques to help you find ways to be more productive throughout your day.

I’m sending you a great big hug – you’ve got this!

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