Tag: boundaries

Learning how to thrive after earning your PhD

By Kate Hesse

You’ve been pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into your work for years.  And now that you’ve earned your PhD, all sorts of things are coming up for you. This is a big milestone and it makes sense that it can throw you off your game! Based on today’s question, I’m addressing three different factors…

The best way to handle stress and stressful situations

By Kate Hesse

As someone who used to be so stressed out I would climb under my desk each afternoon and cry, I understand how difficult living with chronic stress can be. I also know that left to run rampant in your life it leads to burnout, illness, disorder, and disease. If you’re struggling with stress, or frequently…

How to Get Started with Decluttering Your Home

By Kate Hesse

If you’ve ever tried to declutter your home only to feel so overwhelmed you pushed everything back into cabinets and closets, and piled up boxes in the basement and the attic, you know that decluttering can be tricky. The best way to approach decluttering is with a solid plan. In this post, I guide you…

All about multitasking when you want to clone yourself!

By Kate Hesse

Spoiler alert, multitasking as we frequently think of it, isn’t actually a real thing! It just isn’t how our brains work! You can learn more about the issues with multi-tasking and how to start breaking the habit here.  But if your goal is to bring more productivity into your life, I’ve got you covered! Check…

Help! I’m so stressed out I can’t focus on work!

By Kate Hesse

It happens to the best of us. We sit down to work with the best of intentions but find our minds start churning like a hamster on a wheel.  And suddenly we’re stressed out about not just work, but so many other things in our lives. In today’s episode I offer three possible reasons that…