Discover how to stop feeling like you’re always behind and start feeling like you’re in control of your life

. . . all by doing less, not more!

This isn't your traditional productivity class! 

I'm going to let you in on my secrets to getting through your to-do list every day - and I'm guessing they aren't what you expect.

Join me Wednesday, June 23

12 pm EDT | 11 am CDT | 10 am MDT | 9 am PDT


The Productivity Workshop has started.  

You’ll learn how to:

  • Conduct a digital energy audit and reclaim hours of your time every day!
  • Productively procrastinate - with a special twist to help you do more by doing less!
  • Save hours of time on tasks from simple to complex with one simple mindset shift!
  • Plus the workbook and class recording will be yours to keep for life, so you can refer back to them at any point - and even if you can't make the live class, you will get the recording!

I've used these techniques to take back control of my life, and you can too!

Don't let this be the thing you procrastinate on!

Join me Wednesday, June 23

12 pm EDT | 11 am CDT | 10 am MDT | 9 am PDT


The Productivity Workshop has started.  

Meet Kate. . .

That relaxed happy smile.  There were years when you never saw that on my face.  In fact, I jokingly refered to myself as a nervous chihuahua, always shaking and constantly zipping from one thing to the next.


The thing was that I was always behind.  I could never catch up with the long list of items on my personal and professional to-do lists.  It left me scattered, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious.


I knew there had to be a better way, and I was determined to figure out the secret to getting everything on my list done.


What I discovered was so different from what I expected - the secret was doing less, not more!  And I'm excited to share this knowledge with you now so that you too can learn how to take back your life by doing less, not more!

Productivity the NNB Way -
It’s free. And it works.

Are you tired of looking at people who seem to be able to get it all done with ease?  Do you wonder what their secret is and how you can get it?  Then don't miss your chance to learn how to take back control of your life - all while doing less, not more! 

Just sign up below to save your seat now!

Copyright 2021 - NourishNestBreathe