Category: Self-Work

Little steps are the key to making big changes over time!

By Kate Hesse

Often, by the time we realize our lives are out of balance, things have gotten so far out of alignment that we need to make course corrections in a number of different areas of our lives.  We don’t just need to eat healthier, we also need to get more exercise.  Maybe we’re spending too much…

Meditation might not be what you think it is!

By Kate Hesse

In this article I quote and link to several different people who are speakers and writers about meditation – each one presents the information in a way that resonates with me.  If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of meditative practices, please visit each of their websites and see if one resonates with you. You…

Why you need mental hygiene & how to cultivate it!

By Kate Hesse

You might not have heard the term mental hygiene before.  But you’re probably familiar with the idea of personal hygiene.  Or even sleep hygiene. Just like both of those, good mental hygiene is a variety of practices and habits necessary for good health.  But unlike physical and sleep hygiene which often leave visible markers if…

Feel more productive – conduct a personal energy audit

By Kate Hesse

You might be wondering what exactly a personal energy audit is.   Perhaps you’re more familiar with a whole home energy audit.  Someone shows up with an infrared device and discovers where energy is leaking out of your house.  They give you all the information you need to be able to make your home more energy…