Category: Self-Work

Perfectionism And Burnout – Perfect Is The Problem

By Kate Hesse

As a recovering perfectionist, I love this question. We often believe that perfectionism is a superpower, but today, I’m covering all the ways perfectionism and burnout are linked. If you’re a perfectionist who’s constantly exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed, and left feeling guilty about everything undone on your to-do list, this post is for you! If this…

How to Recover from and Prevent Burnout

By Kate Hesse

This is the third in a four-part series covering burnout.  In this episode I discuss several different tools and techniques to prevent and recover from burnout.   Because we’re not cookie cutter humans, there isn’t a one-size fits all prescription for preventing burnout and recovering from burnout.  Pick the tools and techniques that resonate with you,…

The secret to living a balanced life!

By Kate Hesse

Do you wish you could balance your life? Do you feel like no matter what you try you just can’t get caught up?  Are you struggling everyday trying to achieve perfection but constantly frustrated and disappointed when you fall short?  Does it feel like everyone else knows a secret that keeps eluding you? Check out…

How to organize your to-do list!

By Kate Hesse

Do you write out your to-do list and feel so overwhelmed that you just turn the whole thing over and pretend it doesn’t exist?  Or are you constantly missing deadlines because you keep tackling low-priority items instead of the important things on your list?  It’s time to take a moment to organize your to-do list!…

How hard is it to change who you are?

By Kate Hesse

Do you wish you could change some aspect of who you are?  Maybe it’s a habit you would rather leave behind?  Or perhaps it’s a thought pattern or belief? In today’s episode of Solicited Advice, I’m talking about not only how difficult it is to change who you are, but also how to make that…