Category: Nourish

Balance your life: time for self-care AND everything else!

By Kate Hesse

It can be tricky to find a way to balance your life, finding time for self-care as well as everything else on your to-do list!  But that makes today’s question even more important, because self-care is a critical component in not only building a life you love, but also in avoiding burnout, disorder and disease.…

Micro-Habit Changes Can Improve Your Life!

By Kate Hesse

I love micro-habits! Making small changes not only feels doable, it also can create a snowball effect which can make a big impact on your life! In today’s episode, I talk about one of my favorite micro-habits – breathwork.  You might know that I have a strong yoga practice.  Both on and off the mat,…

How to stay energized all day!

By Kate Hesse

Are you wondering how others manage to stay energized all day? Are you struggling to get everything done?  Do you find yourself crashing at some point during the day? In this episode of Solicited Advice I talk about the power of self-care to help you fill your tank with enough energy to get through each…

Is Indecision Paralysis keeping you from living your best life?

By Kate Hesse

Does this sound familiar?  You struggle to make the smallest decisions.  What to eat for dinner.  What to put on each morning.  How to sign-off an email.  Are you unhappy and stuck in a rut because making the decision to try something new feels too overwhelming?  If you said yes to any of those things,…

Are your people cheerleaders or fearleaders?

By Kate Hesse

You might have heard this quote from Jim Rohn before “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” I don’t think that’s exactly true – we’re all unique individuals with our own unique values and priorities, life experiences, hopes and dreams, and paths to walk along.   However, I do…