Tag: Self-Care

Can you love something you’re not good at?

By Kate Hesse

In today’s episode of Solicited Advice, I dive into what it actually means to be good at something. If you ever find yourself wishing you were “good” at an activity so you could enjoy it, the answer might surprise you! This is a simple mindset shift, but can make a huge difference in the way…

How to stay energized all day!

By Kate Hesse

Are you wondering how others manage to stay energized all day? Are you struggling to get everything done?  Do you find yourself crashing at some point during the day? In this episode of Solicited Advice I talk about the power of self-care to help you fill your tank with enough energy to get through each…

How do I practice self-care and manage stress at work?

By Kate Hesse

It can be hard to manage stress at work.  So many things can feel out of your control.  Add to that the expectation that self-care is something you do on personal time, and you’ve laid the groundwork for burnout. In this episode of Solicited Advice, I’ll guide you through a simple technique for quickly and…

Is Indecision Paralysis keeping you from living your best life?

By Kate Hesse

Does this sound familiar?  You struggle to make the smallest decisions.  What to eat for dinner.  What to put on each morning.  How to sign-off an email.  Are you unhappy and stuck in a rut because making the decision to try something new feels too overwhelming?  If you said yes to any of those things,…

Your Trauma is Triggered – Now What?

By Kate Hesse

We’ve all experienced trauma at some point in our lives.  Whether your trauma is spelled with a lower case or capital t, it’s still trauma.  And unless, or until, you process that trauma, it embeds itself in your body, becoming a part of your physical as well as mental and emotional being. If you only…