Category: Self-Care

How to regain your inner calm

By Kate Hesse

There are big changes being considered here in the NourishNestBreathe household.  Only good things, but at least for me, all big changes can upset my inner calm and introduce a certain level of stress, even the good ones.   As a result, I’ve been digging deep into my tool kit to help maintain a sense of…

Meditation might not be what you think it is!

By Kate Hesse

In this article I quote and link to several different people who are speakers and writers about meditation – each one presents the information in a way that resonates with me.  If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of meditative practices, please visit each of their websites and see if one resonates with you. You…

There are no awards given out for “biggest” trauma

By Kate Hesse

Want to know one of my biggest pet peeves – when someone minimizes their experience by saying – “I know other people have it so much worse.”  I appreciate the empathy behind this statement.  BUT – no one hands out an award for the biggest trauma.   There are no Trauma Olympics I was listening to…

Why you need mental hygiene & how to cultivate it!

By Kate Hesse

You might not have heard the term mental hygiene before.  But you’re probably familiar with the idea of personal hygiene.  Or even sleep hygiene. Just like both of those, good mental hygiene is a variety of practices and habits necessary for good health.  But unlike physical and sleep hygiene which often leave visible markers if…