Category: Breathe

Learning how to thrive after earning your PhD

By Kate Hesse

You’ve been pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into your work for years.  And now that you’ve earned your PhD, all sorts of things are coming up for you. This is a big milestone and it makes sense that it can throw you off your game! Based on today’s question, I’m addressing three different factors…

How to Incorporate Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life

By Kate Hesse

Mindfulness is an incredible tool to help bring us back to the present moment and to move us away from stress, frustration, anxiety, fear, and regret, and into a place of peace and ease. If you’re picturing sitting motionless on the floor in an uncomfortable position for hours on end, I’ve got a surprise for…

The best way to handle stress and stressful situations

By Kate Hesse

As someone who used to be so stressed out I would climb under my desk each afternoon and cry, I understand how difficult living with chronic stress can be. I also know that left to run rampant in your life it leads to burnout, illness, disorder, and disease. If you’re struggling with stress, or frequently…

Self-Care Techniques for When You’re Grieving

By Kate Hesse

Self-Care and processing grief are two things people seem to have a lot of opinions about how to do the “right way”. Often that means the right way for them. Which often isn’t the right way for you. If you’re suffering a loss and working your way through the grieving process, this episode offers tips…

How to bounce back when things don’t work out

By Kate Hesse

When things don’t work out the way you expect, you have two options. You can focus on your disappointment, or you can look for the opportunities that this situation has made available to you. In today’s episode, I talk about how to shift your focus from feeling disappointed to feelings of gratitude and optimism. And…