Tag: relaxation

Guided meditation for letting go of everything at the end of the day

By Kate Hesse

Have you ever felt like you weigh ten pounds more by the end of the day?  Like you’re carrying around the weight of all the stresses from the day on your shoulders?  This guided meditation for letting go of everything is designed to help you release those tensions.  Both through visualization and body positioning, you’re…

Learn how to breathe to relieve stress!

By Kate Hesse

If you came here looking for additional information on the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System states, you can read a more recent in-depth post here! Just breathe.  Don’t forget to breathe.  Are you remembering to breathe?   We hear it all the time, in yoga class, from friends, in advertising, on the news, and from me…

Fall asleep easily using this Body Scan Guided Meditation

By Kate Hesse

A key component of self-care is sufficient quantity and quality sleep.  It allows your body to recharge.  It helps your mind process the events of the previous day.  And it allows you to wake feeling rested and restored ready for a new day. But knowing good sleep is important and actually achieving good sleep are…

Sama Vritti – Learn How to Find Balance through Equal Breath

By Kate Hesse

“Just as the activities of the mind influence the breath, so does the breath influence our state of mind.”  T.K.V. Desikachar Yogic Breathwork First, a quick background on yogic breathwork.  Centuries ago, a holistic practice of maintaining a healthy life was outlined in treasured texts (the Vedas) written in Sanskrit (the language of ancient India).  …