Tag: productivity

Learn How To Improve Your Organization Skills!

By Kate Hesse

In this episode I cover several different techniques to help you get more organized! So if you’re looking to improve your organization to help manage stress and overwhelm in your life, to make your home more comfortable to be in, and/or to improve your efficiency and productivity, I’ve got you covered! You might want to…

All about multitasking when you want to clone yourself!

By Kate Hesse

Spoiler alert, multitasking as we frequently think of it, isn’t actually a real thing! It just isn’t how our brains work! You can learn more about the issues with multi-tasking and how to start breaking the habit here.  But if your goal is to bring more productivity into your life, I’ve got you covered! Check…

Help! I’m so stressed out I can’t focus on work!

By Kate Hesse

It happens to the best of us. We sit down to work with the best of intentions but find our minds start churning like a hamster on a wheel.  And suddenly we’re stressed out about not just work, but so many other things in our lives. In today’s episode I offer three possible reasons that…

How to stay energized all day!

By Kate Hesse

Are you wondering how others manage to stay energized all day? Are you struggling to get everything done?  Do you find yourself crashing at some point during the day? In this episode of Solicited Advice I talk about the power of self-care to help you fill your tank with enough energy to get through each…

How to organize your to-do list!

By Kate Hesse

Do you write out your to-do list and feel so overwhelmed that you just turn the whole thing over and pretend it doesn’t exist?  Or are you constantly missing deadlines because you keep tackling low-priority items instead of the important things on your list?  It’s time to take a moment to organize your to-do list!…