Tag: productivity

The insidious impact of stress on your clear thinking!

By Kate Hesse

Have you ever wondered if stress sharpens the ability of your mind, or if it saps your ability to think clearly?  Maybe you’re trying to justify the chronic stress in your life.  Maybe you’re looking for a way to be more productive.  Or maybe you’ve heard stress can be both good and bad for you…

Get ready to tame your to-do list!

By Kate Hesse

Do you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list?  Does it seem to only grow longer – not shorter?  Do you wake up in the morning feeling a sense of anxiety, dread, or resentment at everything on your list? First, I want to acknowledge how you’re feeling and let you know you’re not alone! There were…

Making New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep!

By Kate Hesse

Ok, I’ll be honest, I used to make New Year’s resolutions each year. And I can’t remember a single one that lasted past the end of January. I finally got tired of feeling like I was constantly failing and decided to figure out what was going wrong with my New Year’s resolutions If you also…

The fastest way to reach your goals

By Kate Hesse

So much in life is available at the touch of a button or swipe of a finger.  It’s totally understandable in this world of instant gratification that we’re looking for the fastest way to reach our goals.  Because let’s be honest, for anyone who’s set a goal – or maybe New Year’s Resolution – and…

Is watching tv self-care?

By Kate Hesse

I’ve been thinking about tv a lot lately.   One of the 4C’s in Quieting Your Inner Critic is building a consistent, sufficient, and sustainable self-care & self-work routine.  When I talk about self-care, I always distinguish it from self-work and distraction. In a nutshell: Self-care is what nourishes and fills our reserves. Self-work is how…