Tag: productivity

Stop Working Hard and Start Taking Breaks to be Productive

By Kate Hesse

For a long time I believed being productive meant working hard, and taking breaks was an indicator of some personal failing.  But I couldn’t have been further from the truth.  In fact, this belief is the exact OPPOSITE of what research has shown productivity looks like! Working hard isn’t the same as working efficiently  Let’s start…

Why the Moon Effects You and How to Work With It’s Cycles

By Kate Hesse

It might sound a little (or a lot) woo-woo, but working with the energy of the moon is a powerful tool to help you avoid burnout and improve mental wellbeing, productivity, and so much more! Over the last several years, I’ve been thinking a lot about, and experimenting with, the cyclical nature of our lives. …

How to Maintain Focus When Your Mind Starts to Wander

By Kate Hesse

It happens to the best of us – no matter how hard you try, you can’t always maintain focus on what you’re working on. Maybe you sit down to work with the best of intentions but find your mind starts churning like a hamster on a wheel and suddenly you’re way behind the schedule you…

Remarkable Tools for Time Management

By Kate Hesse

Struggles with time management are something I hear a lot from coaching clients.  So often there just aren’t enough hours in the day, and before they know it, they’re behind on pretty much everything. If you’re experiencing this struggle, I totally understand – because for many years I was in the same boat!  For so long…

Magical methods to make even your chores enjoyable!

By Kate Hesse

Let’s be honest for a minute.  Sometimes, no matter how much work we do to create our best life, there will be things we have to do or experience which we might otherwise wish to avoid.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t still find a way to make those things enjoyable! Last week, we talked…