Tag: mindset

How to Successfully Maintain Motivation Despite Challenges

By Kate Hesse

I’m a competitive person.  I’m also stubborn.  A great way to get me to do something is to tell me you don’t think I can do it.  When challenged in this way, I can just hear Barney Stinson’s voice in my head saying saying – “challenge accepted!” But having said that, I still have my…

Are You the Problem In Your Life?

By Kate Hesse

Recognizing I was the problem in my life was key to helping me begin to move from burnt out, stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed, to living my best life over a decade ago.  And while recognizing the role you play in keeping yourself stuck in patterns you don’t actually want to be in can be…

The insidious impact of stress on your clear thinking!

By Kate Hesse

Have you ever wondered if stress sharpens the ability of your mind, or if it saps your ability to think clearly?  Maybe you’re trying to justify the chronic stress in your life.  Maybe you’re looking for a way to be more productive.  Or maybe you’ve heard stress can be both good and bad for you…

Learning how to quiet your inner critic

By Kate Hesse

Over the last several months, I’ve been taking a hard look at what I offer, and making sure that I’m providing not only what’s most needed, but also what’s most resonant. And what keeps coming up over, and over, and over again, is the difficult relationship so many of us have with our inner critic.…

Important questions to ask when planning your week

By Kate Hesse

If you struggle with what to put onto your schedule when planning your week. Or if you feel like no matter how much you try to plan, your to-do list and schedule always seem to get away from you. Then this post is for you.  I’m covering important questions I consider when planning my week to…