Tag: daily practice

Self-Care Bingo – Easily bring play to your self-care routine

By Kate Hesse

Get my FREE Self-Care Toolkit! Self-care is critical to our mental, physical and emotional health.  It helps us transition from fight, flight, or freeze into rest and digest (learn more about that here).  And because it has such a serious impact on our lives, we often treat it like an incredibly serious thing. But when…

5 Ways to Avoid Burnout

By Kate Hesse

First, let’s talk about what burnout is before we move into how to avoid it.  Picture a kerosene lamp, the old school hurricane style lamps where you twist the knob to raise and lower the wick, increasing or decreasing the flame.   You are this lamp, and during your day-to-day life, you burn with a steady…

Want to feel balanced? Learn how to start each day with a sadhana!

By Kate Hesse

I’m sure you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It is the meal that helps you set the tone for the rest of the day.  Similarly, having a sadhana practice is critical to maintaining your balance throughout the day.  Just like breakfast helps steer your cravings throughout the day,…

Anti-Anxiety Breathwork – learn the simple 4-7-8 pranayama

By Kate Hesse

There’s a saying you might have heard in a yoga class – as goes the breath, so goes the mind.  This connection works in both directions linking your breath and your state of mind.  And by utilizing anti-anxiety breathwork practices, we’re able to calm the mind by regulating our breath.   Think about your breathing when you’re anxious,…