Tag: core values

All about multitasking when you want to clone yourself!

By Kate Hesse

Spoiler alert, multitasking as we frequently think of it, isn’t actually a real thing! It just isn’t how our brains work! You can learn more about the issues with multi-tasking and how to start breaking the habit here.  But if your goal is to bring more productivity into your life, I’ve got you covered! Check…

The secret to living a balanced life!

By Kate Hesse

Do you wish you could balance your life? Do you feel like no matter what you try you just can’t get caught up?  Are you struggling everyday trying to achieve perfection but constantly frustrated and disappointed when you fall short?  Does it feel like everyone else knows a secret that keeps eluding you? Check out…

Can you love something you’re not good at?

By Kate Hesse

In today’s episode of Solicited Advice, I dive into what it actually means to be good at something. If you ever find yourself wishing you were “good” at an activity so you could enjoy it, the answer might surprise you! This is a simple mindset shift, but can make a huge difference in the way…

What are your core values? And why is it such a big deal to know them?

By Kate Hesse

First, I want to clarify something that had me stumped for a long time.  Your core values are NOT society’s  values – they’re something that’s unique to you. When people talk about your values or your core values, what they’re referring to is the unique set of qualities, characteristics, actions and beliefs that you prioritize. …