Individual Coaching with Kate
What are you watering?
- Do you feel more responsible to other people than you do to yourself?
- Would you ever allow anyone you love to talk to themselves the way you talk to yourself?
- Do you regularly find yourself stuck on the hamster wheel of worry, doubt, guilt, shame, and self-blame and wish you could just shut off your brain?
- Do you feel stuck in a rut and unable or unsure how to change things or move forward?
- Despite never being enjoyable, do you still spend time with specific people, or in specific situations, because you believe it's the right thing to do?
Picture your time and energy like water filling a watering can and everything on your to-do list like thirsty plants. There isn’t enough water to go around, so which plants do you water so they thrive, and which are neglected and left to struggle to survive?
Think about your answers to the questions above – if you want to stop struggling to survive, you need to learn how to make sure you get enough water. You need to learn how to stop watering the weeds and how to prioritize the flowers?
Are you ready to thrive?
In the Individual Coaching Program, we'll. . .
Use the 4 C’s to Create Your Inner Sanctuary (and in the process we’ll calm your inner critic too!).
- I know you’re crazy busy. If you weren’t you probably wouldn’t be here. So the first thing we need to do together is to Create Space for you to do the work. I’ll help you figure out where you can start to reclaim time and energy so you can do the work in this program without putting everything else in your life on hold.
- I’ll help you get Clarity on your Unique Priorities. Because you are uniquely you, I’ll work with you to get clear on what’s truly important to you vs. what someone else thinks should be important to you.
- Once you know what you actually want to be spending your time and energy on, the next step is Constructing Healthy Boundaries which are key to helping you stay on track to realize your hopes and dreams.
- And finally, you can’t do any of this if you’re working with an empty tank, so I’ll help you design a Consistent, Sufficient, and Sustainable Self-Care and Self-Work Routine.
All along the way, I’ll help you identify blind spots, roadblocks, and challenges. I’ll teach you how to use mental and emotional hygiene tools to quiet your inner critic and to create your inner sanctuary.
This work isn’t about changing the world around you, it’s about changing the way you approach it. Because when the world inside your head is dominated by a voice that always points out everything you do wrong, it’s a lot harder to deal with even the smallest of life’s challenges. But when your mind can rest easy in an inner sanctuary, you have what it takes to tackle anything life throws at you!
And it all starts with a no-cost, no-obligation one-hour Discovery Session!
It's time to stop laying in bed every night mentally reviewing everything you did wrong. everything you could have done better. everything you should have done but didn't get around to.
It's time to start ending your day with:
Do this now – don’t put it off.”

Is Individual Coaching right for you?
Coaching is a commitment of time, money, and energy. I totally understand being hesitant to sign-up for something if you’re not sure it will work for you. Ultimately, just like anything else in life, you’ll get out of this what you put in.
The decision of if coaching is right for you and the best coach for you is a mix of where you’re at, their style and area of expertise, and how it all works together. So to help you decide if now is the right time, and if I’m the right coach, click the button below and take a quick quiz to learn if coaching with me will work for you!
(For the best results, answer honestly – I’m not going to ask for your e-mail – this is a tool just for you!)

My coaching menu
Who: The basics is a great place to start if you’re feeling so overwhelmed by life you don’t have a clue how you’ll actually make time for a coaching program. If you’re burnt out, chronically overwhelmed, or struggle to ever say yes to taking care of yourself the basics is for you!
What: The basics is just what it sounds like, we’ll cover basic tools and techniques tailored to meet you where you’re at. I’ll help you identify the most impactful ways you can start to carve out a little more time in your life, making room to breathe a little easier. This isn’t the program if you want to make major changes in your life, but rather one to give you the tools you need to support yourself a little more during each and every day.
Cost & Duration: $700 for four one hour sessions. I recommend scheduling these sessions weekly. Additionally, you’ll receive Voxer support for the four weeks of active coaching and an additional four weeks to support you in implementing this work on your own.
Who: If you’re ready to go beyond surviving to authentically thriving, this is the option for you. If you know there are things in your life you’d like to be different, but you need support in creating the roadmap and/or with accountability, it sounds like you’re ready for change!
What: I’ll meet you where you’re at, if you haven’t already done the basics with me or on your own, we’ll cover those first so you have the capacity to tackle the next steps. Once you’ve got the basics, we’ll dive into looking at where you are, discovering where you want to be, and creating a road map between the two. I’ll join you on this journey reflecting what you might not see and hear, helping you uncover and examine stories and beliefs holding you back, and offering tools and techniques tailored to you and your needs to build your best life!
Cost & Duration: $2,100 for three months of weekly one-hour sessions. (This can be split into three monthly payments.) Additionally, you’ll receive Voxer support for the three months of active coaching and an additional four weeks to support you in implementing this work on your own.
Who: If you’ve completed either of the previous coaching options and know you want to continue making major shifts and changes in the way you interact with and show up for your life, it’s time for the Deep Dive.
What: Having worked together previously, we’ll be starting with the understanding the basics have become routine for you. You allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, you have a consistent self-care routine, you understand healthy boundaries, and you’ve gotten clear on what’s important to you. BUT if you feel like your goals remain just out of your reach, if you still find yourself saying yes when you really want to (and know you need to) say no, or struggle with releasing old beliefs and patterns you know no longer serve you, it’s time for a deep dive. We’ll work together to identify old stories, beliefs, and pattern that keep you stuck or moving forward slowly. You’ll get clarity on root causes behind the symptoms you’re experiencing, and I’ll offer tools and techniques to help you get to where you want to be.
Cost & Duration: $2,100 for three months of weekly one-hour sessions. (This can be split into three monthly payments.) Additionally, you’ll receive Voxer support for the three months of active coaching and an additional four weeks to support you in implementing this work on your own.
Why me?

I've been described as:
direct but not
caring but not
There are a lot of coaches out there, here’s what makes me unique.
I’m not going to use lots of jargon, confusing Sanskrit words, or industry buzz words (I know them, I’m just not going to use them – I want us speaking the same language!)
I am going to use a ton of metaphors, analogies and examples to help you understand what I’m talking about and how it can make a major change in your life.
I’m here to empower you from a place of caring and compassion with powerful insights that are both encouraging and challenging.
I’ve boiled everything I’ve learned down into the 4 C’s of Creating Your Inner Sanctuary. I’ll guide you through using these mental and emotional hygiene tools so you can release guilt, shame, self-doubt, and self-blame and create an inner sanctuary of freedom, resilience, and joy.
And I know these tools work because I use them in my own life!
Ready to soothe your inner critic
and create your inner sanctuary
Still not sure if you're ready to schedule a Discovery Session?
Are any of these things holding you back from booking a Discovery Session? Let’s get them answered!
I’m not going to ever tell you what to do! My job as a coach is to help you discover the right choices for you. I’m guessing if you’re asking this question it’s because you’re not 100% happy in either your job or your relationship (or both). But one of the things that took me years to learn is that while some relationships or jobs are just plain toxic, often the things making us unhappy are our own lack of boundaries or mindset issues. When we address those, the issues we thought we had seem to melt away!
If you’re waiting to feel ready I’ve got bad news for you – because the truth is you probably never will. Raising your hand and asking for help to make positive changes in your life can be scary. It takes courage to admit things aren’t Instagram perfect. And it’s hard to know what to expect since this is all new to you.
But here’s the good news – I’m here to make sure you feel nurtured, safe, and cared for throughout our work together. Plus, I know how scary new things can be. I get anxious about trying something new too! That’s why I offer a no-cost, no-obligation Discovery Session – it’s a chance for us to get to know each other, and for you to get an idea of what coaching is all about. (Bonus, you’ll walk away with your first actions steps from this call!)
Just a guess, do you also clean your house before the house cleaner comes because you don’t want them to see how messy it is? (If that’s spot on, it’s because I’ve experienced both of these things!)
The whole point of the Individual Coaching program is that you come messy. You show up as you are. And you know that I’m not going to judge. Because I don’t want you to have to suffer one more day than necessary! I would much rather you raise your hand and ask for help as soon as you realize you need it, instead of struggling to get yourself “ready” to work with me.
Here’s a little bit of tough love. You have the time, but you’re choosing not to dedicate the time to taking care of yourself in this way. And if you make that conscious choice, that’s great. But if you’re letting that be an excuse because you’re afraid for some other reason (see the previous questions), then it’s really just that – an excuse.
And if you’re not sure how to reclaim that time, don’t worry – I’ll work with you on that pretty quickly – it’s the first of the 4C’s – creating space to do the work!
If a full-time mama to two under fives who was also a full-time student, incredibly active in her community, and in her third trimester with baby #3 had time to do this work, you do too!
The Individual Coaching program provides you with a private 1:1 call with me each week. (You can choose voice or Zoom based on your own preference – if you opt for Zoom, you can also opt to receive a recording of your session.)
After each call, you’ll receive an email covering what we talked about and highlighting the key takeaways. I’ll also include links to additional resources to supplement what we covered, along with workbooks, worksheets, guided audio and video, and other tools to help you deepen the work. Many of these resources are personalized and only available to Individual Coaching clients.
Finally, while enrolled in the Individual Coaching Program, you’ll receive Voxer access to me (I’ll respond within 24-hours to any messages you send).
But the best way to get an idea of what you’ll get when you sign-up to work with me is to register for a no-cost Discovery Session and experience what it’s like first hand!
I don’t know the circumstances of your finances. But I can tell you that just like finding time to do the work, often we have financial resources we’re choosing to spend on something instead of this.
To put it in perspective, a month of coaching with me costs less than the average dinner out for two people four times a week. So if that’s something you have room for in your budget, wouldn’t you rather change your habits for a few months to invest in creating a life you love?
If this still feels out of reach, check out my Patreon for additional small group and individual coaching options.
As you consider the cost of coaching, remember that the skills and tools you receive when working with me will benefit you for the rest of your life. Think about the difference between investing in your own espresso machine or buying coffee at Starbucks every day – eventually it costs less to buy the machine. While you might need a tune-up session periodically, most clients find the greatest benefit from working with me for three months, and then applying the tools they’ve learned on their own.
Still have questions? Send me an e-mail and ask away!
Other ways to work with me
Not quite ready to commit to Individual Coaching? Check out the wide array of additional resources I offer here!
Live in the Kansas City Area?
I offer private yoga classes to residents of the Kansas City area. If you're interested in coaching as well, I can offer a customized in-person coaching & yoga package.
Learn more here.