Category: Podcast

Non-woo-woo reasons to trust your intuition

By Kate Hesse

When you start working with your intuition, you’re bound to come across a situation where the advice offered by your intuition doesn’t make logical sense to you.  Especially when you’re building your intuition muscle, it can be easy to dismiss the intuitive guidance in this situation, thinking perhaps you’re “reading it wrong” or you “didn’t ask…

Get ready to tame your to-do list!

By Kate Hesse

Do you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list?  Does it seem to only grow longer – not shorter?  Do you wake up in the morning feeling a sense of anxiety, dread, or resentment at everything on your list? First, I want to acknowledge how you’re feeling and let you know you’re not alone! There were…

Who, and what, are you responsible for?

By Kate Hesse

Do you feel like you’re responsible for carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?  Do you struggle to say no to anyone or anything?  Are you just exhausted by trying to be everything to everyone? I’m all too familiar with these feelings.  For many years I was the people-pleaser, caretaker, perfectionist who was…

Where you’re going wrong with your self-care routine

By Kate Hesse

Have you ever felt like self-care is overwhelming or just one more chore on your to-do list?  Does it feel like it isn’t “working” for you, or maybe you’re getting self-care wrong? I totally understand that feeling. It happens to me sometimes. And it’s a great reminder for me to check in on what I…

Making New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep!

By Kate Hesse

Ok, I’ll be honest, I used to make New Year’s resolutions each year. And I can’t remember a single one that lasted past the end of January. I finally got tired of feeling like I was constantly failing and decided to figure out what was going wrong with my New Year’s resolutions If you also…