Hi friend, I'm Kate
And I want to use everything I've learned to help you build a life you love. Because I believe you deserve to do so much more than survive - you deserve to thrive!
My Story
Growing up as a people pleaser, I believed everyone else's needs were more important than my own.
I believed I could do it all. . .
I thought I could be everything to everyone.
So I spent years making sure that I was taking care of as many people as possible.
I worked for non-profit organizations, giving 110% to the organizations and the people they served. And I prided myself on giving all of my time and energy (and then some) to help take care of family, friends, and co-workers.
But here's my secret. . .
I wasn’t giving everything to everyone out of some purely altruistic place. While I truly cared about everyone in my life, and I really believed in the mission of the organizations I worked for, the reason I gave and gave and gave was because I thought I needed to “earn” the good things in my life.
I let my inner critic tell me that I wasn’t deserving of love, of happiness, of self-care and relaxation. My inner critic kept reminding me of how much better my life was than so many other people. That voice was always there to remind me that I needed to give back, that I needed to earn all the good things I had in my life.
So I became a martyr, sacrificing my needs at the altar of taking care of others.

Finally, I was ready for something different. . .
For most of my adult life, I would give and give and give until I got so burnt out I had to make a change out of self preservation. It once got so bad my therapist suggested I consider taking medical leave from work (are you surprised that I refused?).
When I reached this point, I would jettison something or someone from my life, only to repeat the cycle over and over and over again.
Several jobs, one divorce, estranged relationships with dear family and friends, and I finally realized. I wasn’t happy, this dynamic wasn’t healthy, and it wasn’t sustainable. The problem wasn’t that one job, or that one person, the common denominator and the problem was ME. And I not only couldn’t keep going the way I had been, but I didn’t want to keep going that way.
So I set out to find another way. . .
I started going to yoga classes. I learned about healthy boundaries. I read countless books, spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours in personal development courses, seminars, and symposiums.
And I began to apply it all to my life. Becoming my own test subject to figure out what worked and what didn’t.
And slowly through trial and error I learned how to soothe my inner critic and how to create my inner sanctuary. How to use all the tools I was learning to create a life I love, a life I’m excited to wake up to each morning.

That same stubborn streak that made me push so hard to take care of others, it also helped me keep going through success and failure to learn how to take care of myself!
And now I use everything I’ve learned to teach other people-pleasers how to soothe their own inner critics.
How to create their own inner sanctuaries.
And how to wake up each morning excited to be living their lives, not overwhelmed by everything they feel obligated to do for everyone else.
Relevant Training
- I got really good at taking complex theories and explaining them in easily accessible metaphors and analogies both as a student and a tutor while earning my degrees in Political Science and Economics from Guilford College.
- I’m a certified by the Southwest Institute in Healing Arts as a 200-hour Yoga Teacher. Which means I know how to hold a safe space for you as I guide you through exploring and processing your own stories, beliefs, and embedded experiences, and I also had to dig deep and work through a lot of my own old stories, wounds, and beliefs so I had the room to hold that space for you.
- Always a lifelong learner, I’ve continued my formal education with additional certifications in Restorative yoga, Yin yoga, and Reiki.
- As a kid I’d pick a section in the encyclopedia at random and assign myself a report on that topic. Once I’d synthesized and summarized the topic, I’d pass the report off to my mom and ask her to grade it for me. As an adult, that passion for learning, understanding, and growing translates into reading countless books focused on all aspects of personal development and attending numerous conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposiums. Learning all I can from topics ranging from EFT/Tapping to the power of your Divine Feminine Energy to breathwork and embodiment techniques, and so much more, I take all I’ve learned to help you realize your hopes, goals, and dreams!
You might have heard me on:
What I believe
You don't earn your happy!
I spent WAY too much of my life feeling like I wasn't enough. Feeling like I needed to find a way to be a better, more efficient, version of myself in order to "earn" my happiness and the life I wanted. I know I'm not alone. And I don't want you to spend one more day lost in that same sea of self-blame, shame, guilt, and self-doubt.
You deserve to thrive!
I believe that no one should live a life where they're just surviving. You deserve to thrive - both externally, and internally. And I believe that anyone can change their lives for the better if they commit to that change and utilize the tools they need. Living a life you love isn't limited to just a choose few.
Get ready to enjoy your life!
And I believe that when you use mental and emotional hygiene tools to create space to do the work, get clarity on your unique priorities, construct healthy boundaries, and develop a consistent, sufficient, and sustainable self-care and self-work routine, your life becomes a joy, not a chore.
Are you ready to
Soothe your inner critic
Create your inner sanctuary
Build a life you love!
You've read this far, maybe you want to know a little more?
Here are 3 things most people don’t know about me!
I relate to Trixie Belden more than Nancy Drew, and I love revisiting a time when you had to go to the library for research and actually go over to a friend's house so you could talk to them!
Especially when the leaves are on the trees and the windows are open letting in a breeze and the sound of birds, it's easy to imagine I'm sitting in those trees!
Whether I'm decorating myself, my home, or my gardens, I'm attracted to anything bright, shiny, and sparkly. I mix metals with abandon and I'm working on hanging a sun catcher in all our windows!